PSA #1: Visual Timers

Welcome to the newest addition to Practical Solutions: PSAs! Today, we will focus on a practical solution for time management. How timely, indeed, as we are all getting ready to transition back into our fall routines!

Rushed mornings and endless power struggles to get your family out the door is no one’s intention for how the day should begin, but life happens. This morning I woke up before my daughter with big plans to have breakfast on the table, bags packed, and bodies ready to leave all by 8:15. But no matter how organized I was, my toddler had another agenda.

She woke immediately needing to hear and dance to her latest favorite song, and right off the bat our morning routine was challenged. Now, this is a “little deal” right? It is not something that completely derails our train off the track, but it still is an obstacle blocking us from using the potty, getting to the breakfast table, eating, getting dressed, brushing teeth, and out the door on time (and that’s just what was on her schedule). We all know that with multiple children, the demand on time and routine management dramatically increases all while we are expected to take care of our own needs simultaneously.

So, how did it go? Well, we made it out the door by 8:23. We did not meet my ideal 8:15 target but were pretty darn close AND completed all the tasks with minimal negotiations and push back. How did we do it? Enter the visual timer (Full disclosure: I tapped into my practical solutions toolbox and utilized a few other strategies for additional support, but the timer was the star of the show)!

Using a visual timer is a wonderful and practical support that can seamlessly enhance any routine. It also promotes universal design. You will see that the whole family (including the adults) will benefit from the visual reminder of how much time is left to do “ALL the things”! When you implement this tool into your routines, you immediately eliminate the opportunity for most power struggles to even begin. The timer now carries the weight of the reminders and deadlines. There’s no room for negotiation because “The timer beeped and that means it’s time for ______”. You can also create a sense of ownership and buy-in from your children by granting them the privilege of setting the timer. This involvement and coveted responsibility engage your children in a positive way and promotes accountability when the timer beeps because they set it, so it must be correct. Then you always go back to the factual statement: “The timer beeped and that means it’s time for ______”. There’s no questioning the timer; it has “spoken!”

You may ask yourself what the difference is between using a visual timer and the timer on your microwave or your phone. My answer for that would simply be that the visual timer supports a true understanding of what the amount of time you have actually looks like and allows for you to adjust how fast or slow you move through your tasks. Assuming you keep the timer in view, the visual feature also eliminates the element of surprise. If you can view the timer as you complete your tasks, you can easily take the time to check-in with it, assess how much more time you have, and continuously adjust. Now, these are more advanced skills that your children will not automatically be able to demonstrate. However, with adult modeling and personal experience, you’ll be surprised as your children transform into all-star time managers!

As a fun alternative, has interactive themed visual timers that you can access from any of your devices to entice even the most stubborn of children!

Contact us if you’d like to learn more about how this practical solution can transform your family routines!


PSA #2: Interactive Calendars